Kronos Group

How e-procurement in Belgium is driving digital transformation

A recent study revealed that over 60% of Belgian businesses have integrated at least one digital solution in their procurement processes. This shift towards digital transformation highlights the growing importance of e-procurement.

What is the role of e-procurement in Belgium for digital transformation?

40% of Belgian SMEs have adopted e-procurement solutions in recent years, indicating a notable increase. This adoption plays a crucial role in the digital transformation of businesses in Belgium.

Digital transformation involves integrating digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how organisations operate and deliver value to customers. It encompasses process automation, data analytics, and fostering a digital-first culture to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance customer value.

e-Procurement allows for the automation of procurement tasks, such as sourcing, purchasing, and supplier management, through digital platforms. 85% of Belgian businesses using e-procurement solutions report high satisfaction levels due to improved process efficiency and transparency, as per a SAP Survey. Moreover, e-procurement promotes transparency, collaboration, and cost savings by facilitating electronic communication and negotiation with suppliers.

Overall, e-procurement is an essential component of digital transformation, enabling businesses in Belgium to adapt to the evolving digital landscape and meet the demands of the modern market.

What are the benefits of adopting e-procurement in Belgium?

Automation and efficiency

Businesses in Belgium using e-procurement solutions have seen a 30% improvement in order processing times and a 25% reduction in procurement cycle times, as per a McKinsey Report. e-Procurement streamlines mundane procurement duties, including order processing, invoice management, and supplier administration. Automation mitigates labour-intensive efforts and decreases inaccuracies while expediting procurement cycles, resulting in substantial efficiency improvements.

Data-driven decision-making

e-Procurement platforms collect, analyse, and scrutinise vast quantities of data, providing insights into spending patterns, supplier performance, and procurement trends. Businesses can leverage this data to make informed decisions, optimise procurement strategies, and identify cost-saving opportunities. Belgian companies have reported an average return on investment of 150% within the first year of implementing e-procurement solutions, as per a Gartner Report.

Enhanced transparency and compliance

e-Procurement systems bolster transparency through the provision of a clear audit trail of all procurement activities. This heightened visibility guarantees adherence to internal protocols and regulatory prerequisites, mitigating the potential for deceit and heightening liability. Research from PwC reports shows that Belgian enterprises that have adopted e-procurement solutions have experienced advancements in contract management and compliance, amounting to 70%.

Increased cost savings

Implementing an e-procurement system empowers businesses to streamline procurement processes, negotiate more effectively with stakeholders, and ultimately reduce overall business expenditure. With automated workflows and the ability to purchase or source in bulk, this approach additionally bolsters cost efficiency. Companies that have implemented e-procurement solutions report an average cost saving of 15-20% on procurement expenditures as per Deloitte Research.

Improved stakeholder relationships

Balance in stakeholder relationships is essential for processes. e-Procurement platforms offer a decentralised system to enhance communication and collaboration with stakeholders, incorporating features such as automated order tracking and real-time procurement updates to fortify relationships and guarantee prompt delivery times. e-Procurement platforms have enhanced supplier collaboration and management for 45% of businesses in Belgium, as per a SAP Survey.

Procurement fraud reduction

e-Procurement systems aim for process visibility and transparency by offering several features such as data analysis, reporting, policy enforcement, risk control, document integrity, audit tracking and encryption which can significantly reduce fraud and theft in procurement processes. The implementation of e-procurement systems has resulted in a notable 30% reduction in procurement fraud incidents among Belgian enterprises, according to research by EY Insights.

How has e-procurement in Belgium been implemented across industries?

The implementation of e-procurement has been initiated in different industries in Belgium, although for many businesses, the process is still in its budding stages. Corporations spanning various fields including manufacturing, healthcare, banking and public services are exploring digital procurement options to fully comprehend their capabilities and overcome obstacles during integration.

According to a 2022 study conducted by Agoria, a significant number of firms have begun incorporating e-procurement systems. However, while 65% of large enterprises have started integrating e-procurement systems, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are more cautious, with only 30% having taken initial steps towards digital procurement solutions.

Here are some examples of Belgian firms that have adopted e-procurement processes and have reaped the benefits of cost optimisation, efficiency, and better stakeholder relationships.

Enhancing procurement efficiency

A leading telecommunications company in Belgium sought to improve its procurement efficiency and transparency through the implementation of digital solutions. They implemented the Ivalua e-procurement platform to automate and streamline procurement processes. The platform offered comprehensive features such as supplier onboarding, contract management, and procurement data analytics.

The results of the implementation:

Efficiency improvements
Data-driven decisions
Resulted in an achievement of a 25% reduction in procurement cycle times.
Enhanced visibility, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of fraud.
Leveraged data to make informed decisions, optimising spend management.
Efficiency improvements

Resulted in an achievement of a 25% reduction in procurement cycle times.


Enhanced visibility, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of fraud.

Data-driven decisions

Leveraged data to make informed decisions, optimising spend management.

Digital transformation in procurement

A major banking and insurance group in Belgium aimed to digitise its procurement processes to achieve greater efficiency and cost control. The bank implemented an e-procurement solution to automate procurement activities, manage supplier relationships, and ensure compliance with banking regulations.

The results of the implementation:

Cost savings
Process efficiency
Regulatory compliance
15% reduction in expenses by leveraging automated bidding and supplier competition.
30% faster procurement cycle resulting in the achievement of process efficiency.
Compliance through banking procurement regulations, minimising legal risks.
Cost savings

15% reduction in expenses by leveraging automated bidding and supplier competition.

Process efficiency

30% faster procurement cycle resulting in the achievement of process efficiency.

Regulatory compliance

Compliance through banking procurement regulations, minimising legal risks.

Driving sustainable procurement

A global materials technology and recycling company headquartered in Belgium focused on integrating sustainability into its procurement processes and adopted an e-procurement platform, which provided robust features for managing supplier sustainability credentials and monitoring compliance with environmental standards.

The results of the implementation:

Cost efficiency
Enhanced compliance
50% of its suppliers met sustainability criteria, aligning with the company’s environmental goals.
20% reduction in procurement costs through optimised stakeholder selection and contract management.
Compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing risks with non-compliant suppliers.

50% of its suppliers met sustainability criteria, aligning with the company’s environmental goals.

Cost efficiency

20% reduction in procurement costs through optimised stakeholder selection and contract management.

Enhanced compliance

Compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing risks with non-compliant suppliers.

Streamlining supplier management

One of Belgium’s largest retail chains implemented an e-procurement system to enhance its supplier management and procurement processes. The company adopted an e-procurement platform, which integrated seamlessly with its existing ERP system. The implementation included training for procurement staff and suppliers to ensure smooth adoption.

The results of the implementation

Cost savings
Efficiency gains
Supplier relationship management
15% reduction in costs due to improved negotiation capabilities and bulk purchasing.
30% reduction in order processing time—significantly speeding up the procurement cycle.
Enhanced collaboration, leading to better terms, transparency and reliable supply chains.
Cost savings

15% reduction in costs due to improved negotiation capabilities and bulk purchasing.

Efficiency gains

30% reduction in order processing time—significantly speeding up the procurement cycle.

Supplier relationship management

Enhanced collaboration, leading to better terms, transparency and reliable supply chains.

Digital transformation is a necessary strategy for businesses aiming to enhance efficiency, maintain competitiveness, achieve cost compliance, and mitigate risks. It enables businesses to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market landscape, adapt to consumer demands, and comply with regulatory requirements.

Drive digital transformation with Kronos Group

Are you ready to drive digital transformation in your procurement processes? Unlock the full potential of e-procurement with procurement consulting.

At Kronos Group, we recognise that staying ahead requires harnessing the potential of digital advancements to elevate efficiency, foster ingenuity, and establish a distinct competitive advantage. With us, you are not solely absorbing novel technologies, but undergoing a complete digital transformation that will cultivate enduring progress in the era of digitalisation.

Get in touch with us today and drive digital transformation with optimised e-procurement systems.

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Businesses can prepare by investing in the right technology, training staff, updating procurement policies, and working closely with suppliers to ensure smooth transitions.

Businesses of all sizes and across various industries can benefit from e-procurement, including manufacturing companies, retailers, service providers, healthcare organisations, government agencies, and more.

Success can be measured by factors such as cost savings achieved, process efficiency improvements, increased contract compliance, supplier performance metrics, user satisfaction levels, and ROI.

Julie Brand

A part of Kronos Group’s team since 2018, Julie is a leader who has honed her specialisation in business transformation and utilised her expansive financial expertise to power business strategy and add value to what we do. She has amassed experience (Pfizer, Sony, AXA, SMEC, Tradelink) all over the world in strategy, project management, analysis, and supply chain.