Kronos Group

How does cost management in procurement facilitate reskilling and upskilling initiatives?


Reskilling and upskilling are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Effective cost management in procurement can fund these initiatives by reallocating savings from streamlined processes and strategic decisions. By investing in learning technologies, supplier partnerships, and internal upskilling, organisations can boost employee development and future-proof their workforce. The link between cost savings and reskilling and upskilling initiatives not only addresses the skills gap but also enhances employee retention, drives innovation, and increases organisational resilience. Strategic procurement decisions enable talent development ensuring a more adaptable and engaged workforce, positioning companies for long-term success in a dynamic market.

The ongoing rapid advancements in technology, coupled with automation and changing business requirements, are significantly transforming industries. Consequently, the necessity for reskilling and upskilling initiatives has reached unprecedented levels. Organisations are increasingly aware that remaining competitive hinges on equipping their workforce with the necessary skills to navigate technological transformations. Nevertheless, the commitment to employee development demands substantial financial investment. In this context, effective cost management within procurement becomes vital. By streamlining procurement processes and managing expenses efficiently, companies can allocate resources towards training and development programs that prepare their employees for future challenges.

In light of these developments, apprehensions regarding job security have intensified. Approximately 30% of the workforce expresses concern that their positions may be supplanted by technology by 2025. A significant challenge for organisations is to ascertain the skills that will be essential for their employees as technological advancements progress. Recognising these future skill requirements and facilitating opportunities for employees to acquire them is crucial not only for retaining talent but also for fostering a resilient and innovative workforce.

In this blog post, we delve deep into whether cost management in procurement can fund reskilling and upskilling initiatives, boosting employee development and future-proofing your workforce.

What is the importance of reskilling and upskilling in today’s workforce? 

Reskilling and upskilling have become vital strategies for organisations striving to stay competitive and future-proof. With technology evolving at an unprecedented pace and automation transforming job roles, businesses must ensure their workforce possesses the skills needed to adapt. Reskilling involves training employees for entirely new roles while upskilling focuses on enhancing current skill sets to meet evolving demands. Both are essential for companies aiming to maintain a competitive edge and foster innovation.

The pressing need for reskilling and upskilling is particularly evident in the procurement sector, where merely 14% of leaders feel they possess the requisite talent to address future demands. Current industry trends highlight an increasing focus on continuous learning, with organisations acknowledging that talent shortages can impede progress. Nevertheless, only 31% of companies believe their existing competency frameworks correspond with the actual needs of their workforce, underscoring a critical requirement to reassess training and development strategies.

Procurement is instrumental in facilitating these strategic goals. By effectively managing costs and making well-informed decisions, procurement teams can direct resources toward talent development programs. This approach not only enhances the organisation’s capacity to tackle future challenges but also cultivates a workforce that can drive sustained growth in a competitive landscape.

What is the role of cost management in procurement? 

Cost management in procurement entails the strategic optimisation of expenditure, the reduction of waste, and the enhancement of value across the supply chain. The primary objective is to ensure that each dollar spent yields the highest possible return on investment while upholding quality and efficiency. Effective cost management not only curtails expenses but also enables organisations to allocate resources more effectively, fostering long-term growth.

Strategic cost management plays a crucial role in generating savings that can be reinvested in vital areas, such as talent development. With 79% of organisations grappling with a skills shortage in procurement, businesses must cultivate stronger teams capable of addressing future challenges. By managing costs efficiently, companies can release funds for investment in training, reskilling, and upskilling initiatives, thereby ensuring that their workforce remains competitive and adaptable.

What is the link between cost savings and reskilling and upskilling initiatives? 

Investing in reskilling and upskilling offers substantial benefits for businesses. Research indicates that for every dollar invested in training, companies can expect a return of $4.53, which translates to a remarkable 353% ROI. This underscores the significant advantages of emphasising continuous learning, making it imperative to secure the necessary funding to support such programs.

One effective method to finance these initiatives is by reallocating cost savings achieved through strategic procurement practices. Savings realised from supplier negotiations, effective category management, and thorough spend analysis can be directed towards reskilling and upskilling initiatives. For instance, if procurement teams manage to lower technology expenses or streamline contracts, the resulting financial surplus can be invested in training resources and learning platforms that enhance employee capabilities.

By optimising procurement expenditures in areas such as software, digital tools, and training materials, organisations can directly bolster employee development efforts. Sourcing high-quality, cost-effective solutions allows organisations to maximise value while providing employees with access to superior learning resources.

Numerous organisations have successfully redirected procurement savings to support skills development. For example, Unilever has shifted funds to cost-saving procurement strategies, concentrating on workforce reskilling in light of digital transformation. Reinvesting in talent is crucial for maintaining growth and fostering innovation, ultimately transforming procurement efficiencies into strategic benefits.

By aligning procurement strategies with talent development objectives, organisations can effectively channel savings into initiatives that prepare their workforce for future challenges, ensuring employees are well-equipped to navigate the demands of tomorrow.

What are strategic procurement decisions that enable talent development? 

By making informed procurement decisions, organisations not only unlock cost savings but also create opportunities to invest in talent development—ensuring that both employees and procurement teams remain competitive in an ever-evolving business environment.

Strategic procurement decisions that enable talent development

Investing in learning technology

Strategic procurement decisions are essential for cost optimisation in the acquisition of tools required for reskilling and upskilling programs. Procurement teams have the potential to achieve substantial savings by securing more favourable agreements for learning management systems, e-learning platforms, and various technological solutions. 

By selecting scalable platforms and investigating flexible licensing arrangements, procurement can furnish employees with comprehensive and sustainable learning environments while adhering to budget constraints. Furthermore, utilising competitive supplier bidding and investigating innovative technologies can enable organisations to obtain advanced solutions at reduced costs, thereby ensuring that investments in learning yield the highest possible value.

Supplier partnerships for learning resources

Establishing strategic alliances with training providers and educational institutions enables organisations to deliver cost-efficient learning programs. Through procurement, favourable conditions can be obtained via bulk purchases or extended contracts, which frequently include discounts or supplementary services. For instance, partnering with a well-regarded training provider to create a tailored learning program can lower expenses while offering high-quality resources aligned with particular business requirements. Such collaborations not only increase value but also ensure ongoing access to current skills and knowledge, fostering long-term employee development.

Leveraging cost management to upskill procurement teams

Procurement departments stand to benefit from strategic cost management. By effectively managing their budgets, they can reallocate savings toward upskilling their teams. Investing in training for areas like data analytics, strategic sourcing, and digital procurement ensures that procurement professionals are equipped to handle the complexities of modern supply chains. By enhancing internal capabilities, organisations strengthen their procurement functions, enabling smarter decisions and better resource allocation. This continuous improvement loop reinforces the importance of aligning procurement strategies with talent development objectives, creating a win-win for both the department and the broader organisation.

By implementing these strategies, procurement teams not only realise cost savings but also create avenues for reinvestment in talent development, ensuring that the organisation remains agile in a swiftly evolving business landscape.

What are the long-term benefits of linking cost management with skills development? 

Combining cost-efficient procurement with ongoing learning initiatives yields significant long-term benefits for organisations. 

Improved employee retention and engagement

When organisations streamline procurement expenses and allocate the resulting savings towards employee development, they foster a more supportive and engaging workplace. Employees who observe their company prioritising their professional growth are more inclined to remain with the organisation and exhibit higher motivation levels, thereby decreasing turnover rates and the related costs of hiring and training. Emphasising ongoing learning and opportunities for career progression aids in retaining top talent and cultivates a sense of loyalty and dedication within the workforce.

Enhanced innovation and adaptability

A workforce equipped with up-to-date skills is better positioned to drive innovation and adapt to new challenges. By linking cost management with skills development, organisations ensure their employees are not only proficient in their current roles but also capable of navigating emerging trends and technologies. This adaptability fosters a culture of innovation, where employees feel empowered to contribute new ideas and solutions, ultimately enhancing the organisation’s competitive edge.

Increased organisational resilience in a rapidly changing market

The combination of efficient cost management and targeted investment in employee skill enhancement significantly bolsters an organisation’s overall resilience. A workforce that is well-trained and adaptable is better equipped to navigate market volatility, embrace technological innovations, and tackle unexpected challenges. This resilience is essential in a dynamic market landscape, as it allows organisations to swiftly adjust, capitalise on emerging opportunities, and ensure operational stability even amidst disruptions.

By synchronising procurement strategies with talent development initiatives, organisations not only realise immediate cost efficiencies but also cultivate a more engaged, innovative, and resilient workforce. This strategic alignment fosters a sustainable competitive edge and positions the organisation for long-term success.

Unlock cost management in procurement with the assistance of Kronos Group

Discover how Kronos Group can transform your approach to cost management in procurement. With expert procurement consulting, Kronos Group helps you streamline spending, reduce inefficiencies, and enhance value. Their strategic insights and innovative solutions empower you to optimise procurement costs effectively, unlocking new opportunities for savings and reinvestment. Leverage their expertise to achieve a robust procurement strategy that not only manages costs but also supports long-term organisational goals.

Julie Brand

A part of Kronos Group’s team since 2018, Julie is a leader who has honed her specialisation in business transformation and utilised her expansive financial expertise to power business strategy and add value to what we do. She has amassed experience (Pfizer, Sony, AXA, SMEC, Tradelink) all over the world in strategy, project management, analysis, and supply chain.