Kronos Group

How do procurement consulting providers facilitate personalisation through maturity assessments?


Procurement consulting is crucial for companies to enhance their supply chain, reduce costs, and optimise efficiency. Consultants navigate businesses through complex areas like supplier partnerships, contract management, and strategic sourcing to establish streamlined and cost-effective processes that align with company objectives. The importance of understanding procurement maturity assessment is apparent in this context as it is a valuable tool for consultants to evaluate a company’s procurement capabilities and processes. They aid in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. These assessments help consulting providers tailor their guidance to each client’s organisational function, offering more personalised strategies. In addition, through comprehensive data analysis, these assessments enhance decision-making abilities.

Procurement consulting providers develop personalised strategies based on maturity assessment results by analysing assessment data and identifying improvement opportunities. They create customised recommendations that align with business objectives and develop implementation roadmaps. Additionally, they incorporate client feedback, offer ongoing support for strategy execution, and ensure successful implementation through continuous assistance. Strategies consulting providers develop focus on specific organisational needs and maturity levels, helping organisations progress towards efficiency, effectiveness, and strategic value in their purchasing practices.

Procurement consulting plays a role in helping companies enhance their supply chain, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. This involves guiding businesses through the complexities of procurement, supplier partnerships, contract management, and strategic sourcing. The ultimate goal is to establish a streamlined and cost-effective procurement process that aligns with the organisation’s objectives.

Since every business is unique, procurement consultants need to customise their approach based on the specific needs, industry, and level of maturity of each client. Maturity assessments are valuable tools that allow organisations to evaluate their current procurement processes, technology, and capabilities. By conducting these assessments, procurement consulting can tailor guidance and strategies to the client’s procurement journey. This customisation ensures that clients receive relevant and effective advice to drive tangible improvements in their procurement practices.

What is the importance of understanding procurement maturity assessments? 

A procurement maturity assessment is a measuring instrument that gauges the present abilities and procedures of an organisation’s procurement function. It monitors the elements of procurement processes, their productivity, and overall impact. The main purpose of this assessment is to find where improvements can be made and to guide strategic suggestions based on the results.

It assesses the following areas:

  1. Processes and procedures

The structure, regularity, and effectiveness of procurement procedures like sourcing, managing contracts, and maintaining connections with suppliers.

  1. Technology and automation

This relates to how much technology is used in procurement processes, such as the adoption of e-procurement systems, process automation, and data analysis.

  1. Organisation and governance

This is about how procurement aligns with the wider strategic objectives, governance systems, and procurement responsibilities.

  1. Supplier management

A maturity assessment can handle the approach to managing supplier relationships, including supplier selection, performance monitoring, and collaboration.

  1. Risk management and compliance

The processes that are applied for recognising, evaluating, and lowering sourcing risks along with adherence to relevant regulations, benchmarks, contingent plans and standards.

The strategic focus of procurement is on how much it helps to achieve business goals, such as cost optimisation, innovation, sustainability, and value creation. Procurement consulting providers can identify a client’s position in their procurement journey by performing a maturity assessment, spanning from preliminary stages to advanced stages. 

This comprehension empowers them to suggest customised resolutions and methodologies, gravitating an organisation towards elevated levels of maturity.

How do procurement consulting providers develop personalised strategies based on maturity assessment results? 

Upon receiving the results of a maturity assessment, consulting providers can leverage their insights to construct customised procurement strategies that align with the unique needs, obstacles, and organisational goals. 

Analysing assessment data

The consultation process commences with the analysis of data gathered during the maturity assessment. This entails examining processes, technologies, organisational frameworks, supplier associations, adherence to regulations, and strategic compatibility. By comprehending the existing condition and identifying shortcomings, consultants can give precedence to areas in need of process enhancement and refinement.

Identifying client-specific opportunities

After evaluating the assessment results, consultants discern particular prospects for enhancement. This can encompass enhancing procedures and implementing new technology to manage risk and optimise suppliers.

Customised recommendations

After identifying the key opportunities, consulting providers can work on formulating personalised recommendations that cater to the client’s level of maturity, industry context, business objectives, and capabilities.

Aligning with business strategic objectives

Consulting providers guarantee that their customised tactics correspond with the broader business objectives of their clients. This is essential, as procurement must aid in achieving the organisation’s strategic goals, whether it be through minimising expenses, increasing efficiency, fostering creativity, or promoting sustainability and other strategic objectives.

Developing a roadmap for implementation

In addition to customising suggestions and feedback on procurement processes, consulting can devise a comprehensive execution plan. This blueprint encompasses precise measures, schedules, accountable stakeholder groups, and benchmarks to gauge efficacy. By solidifying the implementation procedure, they facilitate the actions required to attain their desired results.

Incorporating client feedback

To guarantee the utmost personalisation of strategies, consulting providers actively solicit feedback from their clients. This cooperative and collaborative method enables them to improve recommendations, address apprehensions and ensure alignment between the strategies and the client’s vision, mission, objectives and values.

Providing ongoing support and monitoring

Procurement consulting frequently provides continual assistance in implementing personalised strategies, including training, change management, performance monitoring, and periodic check-ins for progress tracking and procurement modifications.

Consulting providers devise personalised tactics through a thorough analysis of assessment data, customising suggestions, synchronising processes with business objectives, crafting a comprehensive roadmap, incorporating client input, and offering continuous assistance. This method guarantees that the strategies cater to the client’s distinct requirements and yield notable enhancements in procurement performance.

What common strategies might procurement consulting providers recommend at different maturity levels? 

In procurement, maturity levels describe the degree of sophistication, efficiency, and effectiveness in procurement processes, technology, and capabilities. Consulting providers often use these maturity levels to assess an organisation’s current state and develop personalised strategies for improvement.  

Low maturity

Organisations operating at a low level of maturity frequently exhibit informal, inconsistent, or non-uniform procurement processes. This shortfall of an organisation results in process inefficiencies and an elevated chance of inaccuracies. Procurement responsibilities are heavily dependent on manual procedures and documentation, with the utilisation of technology confined to basic spreadsheets or elementary tools, ultimately resulting in limited automation. The decentralised structure of procurement leads to fragmented activities, often involving various stakeholders with no organised coordination or oversight. This casualness gives rise to potential compliance hazards, including unauthorised expenditures and non-compliance with regulatory standards.

Procurement consultants can implement these strategies for process improvement:

  • Establish consistency and compliance in procurement through standardised processes and workflows.
  • Implement basic e-procurement tools to automate tasks and centralise procurement management systems.
  • Provide internal training to all stakeholders to develop essential procurement skills and reduce reliance on inefficient methods.
  • Streamline purchasing and enhance negotiation power by consolidating suppliers.

Medium or moderate maturity

Organisations with moderate levels of digital maturity have progressed beyond fundamental frameworks and showcase a standardised methodology towards procurement. Critical procurement procedures are established and recorded, ensuring uniformity throughout the organisation. The adoption of technology is becoming more proficient, utilising elementary e-procurement systems and centralised tools for procurement to automate certain duties. Centralised procurement prevails with specialised teams or departments overseeing fundamental operations. 

Organisations implement elementary risk oversight and regulatory tactics to manage potential predicaments. As companies continue to prioritise transactional duties there is a notable shift towards strategic initiatives, encompassing spend optimisation, improved efficiency, and strengthened partnerships with suppliers.

Procurement consultants can implement these strategies for process improvement:

  • Streamline current procedures through process mapping and lean strategies.
  • Utilise advanced procurement methods and technology such as spend analytics and contract lifecycle management tools.
  • Enhance expertise through education and validation opportunities for purchasing experts.
  • Implement supplier relationship management for collaborative supplier management.

High maturity

Organisations at the pinnacle of maturity showcase sophisticated procurement prowess, leveraging refined procedures and a dedication to productivity and constant refinement. These procedures are closely attuned to industry strategies and benchmarks. The adoption of technology is high, incorporating cutting-edge procurement instruments such as automation, spend analytics, supplier relationship management (SRM), and contract lifecycle management (CLM). These corporations prioritise the development of strategic alliances with essential suppliers, fostering teamwork, creativity, innovation and lasting relationships. 

Robust risk management protocols and compliance frameworks are implemented to guarantee adherence to regulations and reduce potential risks. Moreover, they possess a tactical and ingenious advantage, blending procurement with wider business aspirations while also delving into avant-garde methodologies, sustainability, and generating value through procurement.

Procurement consultants can implement these strategies for process improvement:

  • Encourage forward-thinking procurement techniques like agile procurement, DEI sourcing strategies and design thinking.
  • Build strategic partnerships with key suppliers for cooperation, collaboration, communicative efforts and joint innovation.
  • Utilise cutting-edge data analytics for deep insights into purchasing trends and supplier efficacy.
  • Incorporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility into procurement strategies.

Procurement consulting providers can customise strategies to cater to organisations’ unique requirements and help them advance towards efficiency, effectiveness, and strategic significance.

Elevate your procurement processes by facilitating personalisation with procurement consulting providers

With modern supply chains presenting diverse challenges, there is a greater for personalised approaches.

Maturity assessments offer a tailored roadmap that provides businesses with a clear understanding of their current standing and areas where they can improve. Kronos Group elevates procurement processes by facilitating exactly this—focusing on the unique needs of each organisation
Our procurement consulting services ensure that each client receives customised solutions with our expertise in conducting these assessments. Guide your businesses through a transformative journey towards procurement excellence and personalisation by utilising the insights gained from maturity assessments from Kronos Group.

Julie Brand

A part of Kronos Group’s team since 2018, Julie is a leader who has honed her specialisation in business transformation and utilised her expansive financial expertise to power business strategy and add value to what we do. She has amassed experience (Pfizer, Sony, AXA, SMEC, Tradelink) all over the world in strategy, project management, analysis, and supply chain.